GHG, Carbon & Environmental Accounting for all of Agriculture
From farm to supply chain, food retail financial institution, we can help you achieve your GHG, Natural Capital & Carbon Accounting goals
Use Agtuary Carbon & Environmental to baseline, understand risk & performance across a portfolio, run scenarios and report on your farm emissions and manage your post-farm and supply chain GHG and carbon data and reporting needs.

Agtuary's premium end-to-end environmental suite simplifies reporting across GHG, Climate, Natural capital, TNFD, TCFD, Natural perils, Deforestation & more for farms, banks, agribusiness, food supply chain & food retail ensuring compliance & market access.
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Agtuary is the first commercial integration and technical build partner for Agricultural Innovation Australia’s (AIA’s) environmental accounting platform for Australian agriculture, fisheries and forestry. You can learn more here about AIA and this important national initiative.
The Agtuary Platform natively integrates AIA's Carbon Accounting Capability with all of our workflows, data and analytics.
If you're a  farmer looking to report on your emissions footprint, a financial institution looking to solve your financed emissions challenges or an agribusiness or food retailer reporting on your scope 3 & supplier emissions, we can help meet your GHG & Carbon Accounting goals.

Baseline & report on farm level GHG & carbon emissions

  • Whole of agriculture, fisheries and forestry solution that supports multiple commodities
  • GAF models used align with the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory reporting protocol, relevant ISO standards and the GHG protocol
  • Data privacy and security at the core of the design. Share your carbon data only with who you choose, when and how you want to
  • Updated as improvements and revisions to the calculation models, underlying reference data and algorithms occur as the standards and science are updated
  • Strong governance and technical advisory via AIA to support ongoing development
  • Auditable, with whole portfolio and individual farm views and real-time results with graphical reporting
  • Access premium services leveraging the unique benefits of the Agtuary platform

Integrated Farm Emissions Reporting for Corporate Partners and Data Users

  • Manage, update and analyse via our unique portfolio dashboard, a portfolio of farmers results, access and share benchmarking or other insights at a portfolio level
  • Access additional data layers including soil types, land use, production and climate risks related to your portfolio 
  • Automate reporting and data flows related to carbon and emissions intensity for to meet regulatory needs 
  • Integrate with CRM, ERP or other databases  
  • Enable your farmer portfolio with access to Agtuary Carbon Premium which combines more of our suite of tools to enhance the experience and insights available.

Get in touch to learn more or become a partner

Get in touch to schedule a demo or to learn more about how Agtuary can help solve your GHG and Carbon Accounting challenges.
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Deciphering risk, unearthing opportunity in climate change and land management
Measure the drivers of risk, impact and opportunity in supply chains, ecosystems & economies across the planet.