Next Generation Farming Property Analysis
Get the data you need to benchmark your property, identify opportunities for improvement, evaluate a purchase valuation or support your financing needs.
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Financing, buying or selling is a headache.

Let us help ease the pain when evaluating land to purchase, gathering data for sale or applying for financing.

  • Agtuary is an independent source of truth for evaluating small to multi-million dollar purchasing or lending decisions
  • With Agtuary, our users have 10 to 100 times more information to guide decision making & portfolio management.

The data you need, when you need it.

We provide our users with;

  • Up to 20 years of production history and land use data to pick up where records have failed.
  • Long-range historical and forecast climate data with the potential impacts on production.
  • Benchmarks and proof of practice quality across geographies and time.

Our goal is to bring transparency and certainty to agricultural production.

We build AI & Machine Learning models on top of satellite, climate & farm data to deliver deep insights to aid in;

  • Long-term assessments of production & climate change risk.
  • Land purchase evaluations & benchmarking for ROI
Deciphering risk, unearthing opportunity in climate change and land management
Measure the drivers of risk, impact and opportunity in supply chains, ecosystems & economies across the planet.